News, Updates and Events

Welcome to the dedicated website of
The Battle for the Solar System space opera. Here you will find information regarding the
world, and
technology, as well as extended and further information that is not found in the novels.
Click here for a full introduction. There is also a
pop quiz, allowing readers to test their knowledge of the books. Finally, an open source video game,
The Pandoran War, is available to download and play.
What's New
The Honour of the Knights - Spanish Edition
Sun, 30th June 2019
The Honour of the Knights (First Edition), the Creative Commons licensed edition of the first novel in the book trilogy, is now available in Spanish. An epub can be found on the downloads page.
The Pandoran War v1.4
Fri, 4th May 2018
The Pandoran War has been updated to v1.4. Makefile for Mac has been added (although there are currently no binaries available). Some machine translated text for Catalan, Danish, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, and Swedish has also been added. Those interested in fully translating the game can use these files as a jumping off point.
v1.4 downloads (Windows, Linux, and source code).
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